Wilier Triestina Bikes

Bikes are meant
to be used.

Wilier Triestina bikes are one of the oldest marks in cycling, dating back to 1906. Grand Tour victories have come more than half a century apart — a testament to the legacy of their skilled frame builders. 

Wilier-Trestina Road Bikes 

Wilier-Triestina road bikes win races as some of the best in the world. Well-tested and race ready, these road bikes are straight from the pros in Italy. 

Wilier-Trestina Mountain Bikes 

Wilier-Triestina mountain bikes are light, fast, efficient, and fired-up! These XC-inspired mountain bikes give you a quick and exciting singletrack ride. 

Wilier-Trestina Gravel Bikes 

Wilier-Triestina gravel bikes are perfect for the high mileage adventurer or a quick after work escape. Their sleek Italian look and premium quality make them molto bene to ride.

Two cyclists riding gravel bikes